New Casinos

When you are playing online slots, you want to find the newest, freshest games out there. This list consists of the newest online that help you keep up to date on the biggest and best new releases in the online slot world. When compared to older online gambling sites, newer spots tend to look better, pack bigger and better options, and often times feature larger progressive jackpots. Our list can be sorted out by name, mobile compatibility, rating, software, and country availability. You will find that the slot list is quite comprehensive, and although it can be sorted, it is initially set up to allow you to view the newest first, with the oldest on the list being at the bottom.

New sites have a heads up advantage over their competition in that they often times have the ability to adapt to the newest trends in the industry, setting themselves up to take advantage of 3D slots, mobile gaming, and big progressive jackpots. While this is great, it should be noted that you should take care to play at operations that are regulated and rated by us, as we vet new online gambling establishments to ensure that they are safe, secure, and fun. With that being said, check out our new casino list below to find the hottest new spots to play online slots at.


These casinos below welcome players from Ohio.
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Country Casino Name Mobile Rating Date added Software

BettyWins Casino

Mobile Friendly 7.8/10 19/02/2025 real_time_gaming.png spin_logic_gaming_icon_(1).png

Orbit Spins Casino

Mobile Friendly 4.9/10 22/01/2025 betsoft.png rival.png real_time_gaming.png playson_icon_(1).png + 18 more
Casino Slots
Casino Slots