Illegal Internet Gambling Makes Billions in Malaysia

A recent report in the Metro Ahad has shown that illegal internet gambling is still big business in Malaysia, even though police have been cracking down on illegal operations.
It has been reported that nearly 8 billion MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) are made every year through illegal internet bets in the country. Illegal internet cafes are often formed out of the sight of the public behind legitimates businesses such as; Snooker Clubs, Restaurants, Shops and Cyber Cafes etc.
The police have found that these illegal bookies can be set up with as little as 50,000 MYR and within days they can be earning as much as 10,000 RM per day with only a handful of customers.
The police in Malaysia are working hard to shut down illegal gambling rings; however, they rely heavily on tips off from the members of the public.