New Jersey Crack Down on Illegal Internet Gambling Sites

The Division feels very strongly about protecting NJ citizens from illegal Internet gaming websites. New Jersey has a strong regulatory framework in place to enable Internet gaming to be a safe reliable experience for those who wish to participate.
Kerry Langan, DGE spokeswomen.
As mentioned in some of our pervious articles, New Jersey believe that the online gambling market in their State has been slow to grow due to a number of illegal sites that have been running without a license.
They have been cracking down on these sites by serving them with cease and desist letters that require them to take down their illegal operating sites. This isn’t the only way they will be tackling the problem though as they have also contacted six different affiliate marketers requesting them to stop advertising the illegal gambling sites.
They believe that affiliates advertising illegal sites not only taints the legal sites that have worked hard to obtain a license under the law, but cold also confuse users to think all of the sites are above board and safe to play at.