GiG Awarded ISO Certification

Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) has proudly announced that their Core platform has gained certification to the prestigious ISO 27001:2013 standard.
The Information Security Management System (ISMS), which covers development, infrastructure, network configuration and other services was audited to ensure compliance with the ISO standards and protocols. During this process, GiG demonstrated that they have a systematic approach that protects customer and company data. It provides assurance to players and clients that their data is protected and that the GiG Core platform is a robust, reliable one.
GiG was audited by an independent firm which is recognised and accredited by the UK Accreditation Service. ISO27001 has a a top-down approach to assessing Information Security Management Systems. Gaining certification makes GiG stand out from other operators, offering B2B and B2C customers the best ISMS system available.
Receiving the ISO 27001 certification is testament to our commitment towards security, and further enforces GiG is a trusted partner for suppliers and operators partnering with GiG.
Gaming Innovation Group’s CEO, Robin Reed
Source: Press Release: Gaming Innovation Group awarded ISO27001 certification on its GiG Core platform 27th September 2018